

In our school, from nursery school onwards, English is part of the compulsory curriculum taught by the teachers. However, for several years now we have been providing additional English language teaching. Here are some examples of what we do to help your children learn and progress quickly in English with our native teachers:

In kindergarten, the children will be introduced to the English language, with a differentiation of content according to the projects chosen by the families. The groups of the Saint-Roch Academy meet together. The progress of each student is monitored by our partner Cap English and by the teachers themselves.

In CP the teachers ensure the rituals of the foreign language and, with the association "Langue en scène", set up a play in English for one hour per week for 18 weeks.

with the help of native English-speaking teachers, who accompany the CE1 and CE2 classes each week in half groups, by a weekly videoconference lesson by a teacher from England for CM1; videoconference lessons twice a week in CM2. The teachers monitor and evaluate the CEFR

The content of the programme comprises four areas:

Language functions

The lists of language functions make it possible to imagine situations in which learning can take place. However, these language fragments only make sense in real utterances, whether dialogues, monologues or stories.

Phonology, syntax and morphosyntax :

The points contained in these lists should be acquired by pupils at the end of cycle 3 (CM2 level) and are addressed according to their urgency for communication activities.


The lexicon focuses on the world of childhood, both real and imaginary. The acquisition of this lexicon is carried out within the framework of statements linked to situations adapted to the age and interest of the children, in response to their needs for understanding and communication.


content The cultural elements constitute a set of activities that raise awareness of the civilisation of the country or countries where English is used. Themes are chosen according to the age of the children, their interests and the time of year.

Learning English in primary school should be an introduction to the English-speaking world. At this stage, pupils are passionate about the language and the aim of this awakening is to lay a solid foundation on which to build the elements encountered in secondary school. But English is also the vehicle of Anglo-Saxon culture and its approach requires an openness to this culture.

The official programme drawn up by the French Ministry of Education will build up precise linguistic knowledge (usual formulas of communication, lexicon, syntax and morphosyntax) as well as knowledge of the way of life and culture of the country or countries where the language is spoken.

It also aims to show, in a more general way, the enrichment that can come from confronting another language, other cultures and other peoples.

Each English sequence is based on situations and activities that are meaningful to the pupils, that encourage their active participation, that promote interaction and mutual help in the group by developing mutual listening. Whenever possible, English is used for ritualised activities (greetings, checks on the pupils present, procedure of the class). Oral comprehension and expression activities are given priority and should not interfere with the willingness and pleasure to understand and express oneself.


At Saint Roch School, we are in line with the ancient Latin phrase, “mens sana in corpore sano”. We therefore strive to promote and inculcate in your children this philosophy of sports practice as an essential element of their “modus vivendi” and of their good physical and mental health. We are fortunate enough to have the related facilities and easy access to the areas of the Jardin des Tulleries to enable your children to carry out PE activities in the open air.

Under the responsibility of our teachers and during school time, PE is led by Mr Desjars, PE teacher, from Grande Section to CM2. In cycle II, Physical and Sports Education (P.S.E.) is a teaching discipline which must enable the student to :

In cycle III, PE contributes to the development of the child and to the balance of his or her life rhythms. It leads the child, through regular practice, to :


During school time, we offer a computer workshop from CE1 to CE2, which is entrusted to our digital officer, Mr Sébastien PALOMO.

Since 2019-2020, CM1 and CM2 pupils have been benefiting from a creative programming (coding) course with a qualitative and experienced partner.

Our aim is to enable your children to learn to use computers in the best possible way.


In the same spirit that we share and instil well-being and health in children, we offer access to yoga and body expression classes. Under the responsibility of our teachers and during school time, a yoga workshop, led by an experienced teacher, is set up to help your children develop qualities and awareness in this area. The body expression activities will allow them to play endlessly between body and ideas through :


The Saint-Roch Choir

In September 2015, at the initiative of Father Desgens and Mrs Guilhen, we created the Saint-Roch Children’s Choir, which has now become the “Maitrise Saint-Roch” and which continues to spread throughout the parish.

Composed of about twenty boys and girls, the members of the “Maitrise de Saint-Roch” provide a regular service in the parish during events, masses and other liturgical services.

Today, liturgy remains the main function of the choir school; it also contributes to the development of sacred and liturgical music.

In January 2018, the “Maîtrisiens” “officially” received their liturgical vestments from their chaplain, Abbé Laurent: blue cassock and white cotta. Since then, they have been wearing this garment before each service.

They also have a concert uniform and sometimes perform a more popular or folk repertoire in various venues.

If you like to sing, live in a group, travel and share unforgettable moments. If you have the sense of effort without which nothing is possible. If your parents want to support you in this adventure: then COME JOIN us and live this human experience.

Rehearsals take place for children from CE1 to CM2 on Tuesdays and Fridays (two sessions per week) during the lunch break.

The adventure continues at the college… Rehearsals take place on Tuesday evenings in the Salle Corneille at Saint-Roch church from 6 to 7 pm.

Choirmaster: Mrs Véronique Thomassin.

For an audition throughout the school year, you can contact Mr Palomo, who is in charge of extracurricular activities:



Our school is always attentive to comfort and makes sure that the facilities are in optimal condition. In this sense, the school has completely refurbished its kitchen and refectories in order to welcome your children in the best possible conditions and to offer them a pleasant and joyful environment for an important moment, that of the meal. All your children’s meals are prepared daily on site by a carefully selected chef and his assistants. We continually strive to maintain the highest standards in the quality of the meals, the service and the cleanliness and hygiene. The menus consumed by your children are elaborated by a nutritionist of the partner company and submitted to a commission composed of :

  • The Director
  • A representative of the partner company
  • The Chef
  • A representative of the service staff
  • 2 parents
  • The bursar


We are very aware of your work commitments and the difficulty you, as parents, have in getting off early to pick up your children at the end of the school day.

To help you, we offer you the possibility of leaving your child in the study, after class, from 16.50 to 18.00, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. This option is intended for pupils from CP to CM2. It is preceded by a snack that you must provide for your child.

For the Maternelle classes, we offer a nursery from 4.30 pm to 6.20 pm precisely, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. This is preceded by a snack, which you must provide for your child.


For Saint-Roch School, this is the key to a successful start to the school year. Does your child want to create, learn, improve in an art, a sport or simply relax? The registration guide lists the extracurricular activities offered throughout the year by the Notre-Dame Saint-Roch school. You will also find the current prices, as well as all the useful information on the disciplines, timetables and registration procedures.

Documents to download :

– The 2023-2024 extracurricular catalogue 

The 2023-2024 extracurricular fee schedule 

– Extracurricular planning 2023-2024


At Saint Roch School we know that speaking one or more foreign languages has become essential in today’s world. Today, mastering English and other foreign languages is an essential asset for the future and academic success of your children.

Our experience has taught us that it is easier to learn a foreign language when it is taught from an early age. This is the best starting point for your children to become fully bilingual.

Notre-Dame Saint-Roch school offers English language training for your children during extra-curricular time; this scheme is called the “Saint-Roch Academy”.

Within this framework, we have created a pathway that begins in the early years and ends in the fifth grade.

Document to download :

The 2022-2023 presentation brochure